Thursday, June 14, 2012

It's been too long...

It's been over 5 years since the UtahFEAT website was put up with an early version of Ruby on Rails and a MySQL database.  It's been "fun" maintaining it over the years, but the data has been hard to keep up to date and the changes in technologies have forced me to remove some functionality little by little and focus on what I think the most useful features of the website are (mostly the list of goods/service providers).

I've recently been experimenting with a radical simplification of the website which should allow me to to host it less expensively, have it look more appealing (and modern) and be simpler to maintain for me going forward.  (If you're interested, I'm just using JavaScript/JQuery, a ReSTful interface to a hosted database).

Look for a radical update and refreshed data within the next couple of days.