Wednesday, February 19, 2014

So long, and thanks for all the hits...

Well, sadly is no more...

OR IS IT???...

GO HERE if you miss it, or would like to grab the data before it's gone:

I won't be updating it, and I've let go.  If you need more information about autism resources, please don't hesitate to e-mail me at the webmaster address.

I wish you all the best in your search :)

Jeff Grover
(former) webmaster

Monday, October 01, 2012

Well, it's done. has been converted to a simplified and more attractive website which will cost me less to host and maintain going forward.  I'd like to thank the technological shoulders on which I "stand" that made the new site possible:

Generally speaking, this list of technologies suits me very well... offering simple, powerful tools with low barriers to entry and wide adoption that makes web development a breeze.

We also have a new Google Group mailing list for members, although there has been little interest in it so far.  (Okay, so I invited like, ten people... and nobody joined.)  The address for the old mailing list ( will still work, and will send e-mail to the new Google Group.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

It's been too long...

It's been over 5 years since the UtahFEAT website was put up with an early version of Ruby on Rails and a MySQL database.  It's been "fun" maintaining it over the years, but the data has been hard to keep up to date and the changes in technologies have forced me to remove some functionality little by little and focus on what I think the most useful features of the website are (mostly the list of goods/service providers).

I've recently been experimenting with a radical simplification of the website which should allow me to to host it less expensively, have it look more appealing (and modern) and be simpler to maintain for me going forward.  (If you're interested, I'm just using JavaScript/JQuery, a ReSTful interface to a hosted database).

Look for a radical update and refreshed data within the next couple of days.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's back...

The UtahFEAT website was down for a few days a couple of days ago (I guess nobody noticed). I've been unable to update data since a catastrophic upgrade attempt a couple of months ago. Now we'll try to get it back up to date.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I'm Back...

After a very long time away from maintaining, I've upgraded the application to the latest version (2.2.2) of Ruby on Rails, and updated the "back end" so we can keep it up to date with the latest information. I've also tried to make a pass at updating it. Features I'm working on for the future include:
  • Bringing back the MCHAT
  • Bringing back "Contact Us"
  • Merging old and new websites
  • Making the home page more attractive
  • Adding a library loaning system

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


If you visited recently, you may have been surprised to be greeted by the image of this female student and links to things like:

instead of our Families for Effective Autism Treatment website.

As the webmaster, nobody was more surprised than I.

After resolving a billing issue with our hosting service, we've got the website back, but not quite completely... there are a number of areas which don't work properly yet. The provider categories seem to be okay, but things like books, the MCHAT, and the main autism resources link aren't working yet.

I'm on it, but it may take a little while to resolve these issues. I'll post again when they're fixed.

Thursday, May 01, 2008


While updating some information on the web site, I realized that we have had an error happening when people register their contact information. The information has been saved, but the user has been receiving an error message about a missing template... sorry! It's fixed now.